The intercomparison of the scalar magnetometers at the Geophysical Observatory Arti, September 2017 |
Oleg A. Kusonsky (1), Sergey Y. Khomutov (2), Pavel B. Borodin (1), Vladimir A. Sapunov (3), Dmitry V. Savel'ev (3), Vasily D. Savel'ev (3), Evgeny D. Narkhov (3), Lev A. Murav'ev (1), Alexey Y. Gvozdarev (4), Ivan A. Nuzhdaev (5), Arkady V. Ovcharenko (1), Alexey S. Bebnev (1) |
(1) Institute of Geophysics UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia; |
On September 21-22, 2017 at the Geophysical Observatory "Arti", Institute of Geophysics (Ekaterinburg), a intercomparison of scalar magnetometers was carried out. Main tasks are (1) make an estimation of the systematic error of the absolute scalar magnetometers, using Overhauser scalar magnetometer POS-1 (Quantum magnetometry laboratory of Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg) as reference; (2) get an experience of scalar magnetometer inter-comparison technology and train participants; (3) organize the communication of the specialists who are engaged by observatory and field magnetic measurements; (4) discuss the problems of magnetic observatories and Russian magnetometry in general. 11 magnetologists from institutes and universities of the Urals, Kamchatka and Altai took part in the work. 10 scalar magnetometers were presented to intercomparison, including 3 - GSM-19W, 4 - POS-1, 1 - Scintrex SM-5, 1 - Geometrix G-859. Reference magnetometer is POS-1 N11. Results of intercomparison are presented. This work was supported by RFBR Grants No. 16-55-45007, 16-05-00007 and 16-45-040202 and by the IGF UB RS project 394-2014-001. |
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