Surlari Geomagnetic Observatory, 75 years old: achievements and challenges |
Isac, A. (1), Matzka, J. (2), Iancu, L. (1) |
(1) Geological institute of Romania, Bucharest, Romania, (2) GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany |
The presentation focuses on main aspects of the last seventy five years (1943-2018) of Surlari observatory, IAGA code: SUA. Since beginning until 1995, it operates continuously classical sets of photographic magnetographs Askania and Mating & Wiesenberg from Potsdam. The last one was combined with four Bobrov variometers for H, D, Z and F values of magnetic field. To find out the baseline values for all magnetograms, the absolute measurements were carried out by means of a magnetic theodolite Mating & Wiesenberg for D and H, an oscillation box Askania for H, an earth inductor Mating & Wiesenberg for I, a Varian proton magnetometer for F and an ELSEC vector proton magnetometer for Z and F. Since 1989 Surlari operated for the first time a digital magnetic recording system DIMARS. Beginning with 1998 a new digital recorder system-Bartington MAG-03MC with MAG-03DAM data logger for XYZ was currently in use. The absolute measurements were carried out by means of the THEO 010B with Bartington MAG-01H D/I Fluxgate and Varian proton magnetometer for F. At that time Surlari observatory become an IMO. Then, during 2006-2008 periods, the magnetic laboratories and the variometer room were repaired and the observatory was equipped with a Geometrics proton magnetometer G-856 for absolute measurements. Only in 2009 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences decided to support our observatory by installing a new digital equipment: a three-axial fluxgate magnetometer FGE, a data logger MAGDALOG, developed at Adolf Schmidt observatory, Niemegk, GPS receiver and an Overhauser proton magnetometer GSM90. In 2014, the second identically recording system (FGE and Overhauser magnetometers), was delivered by GFZ, as backup system. With this upgrade, a long tradition of cooperation, over two centuries, between Potsdam/Niemegk and Surlari has been continued. In this way, a long-term geomagnetic observatory with real-time data on INTERMAGNET web site, and with the status of an IMO has been accomplished. Our future challenges are to keep constant the temperature of fluxgate sensors as well as their electronic parts in order to obtain the accurate baseline values of the variometers and to improve, together with Romanian ROMATSA experts, aeronautical and airport safety on Romanian territory. |
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