A low-power

datalogger system for 1 Hz INTERMAGNET data

Morschhauser, A. (1), Matzka, J. (1), Haseloff, J. (1),

Bronkalla, O. (1), Müller-Brettschneider, C. (1)

(1) Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German

Research Centre for Geoscienses, Potsdam, Germany

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Geomagnetic observatories are currently

facing requirements that cannot be easily implemented with most

existing observatory datalogger systems. These include, amongst

others, real-time data transmission even from remote locations, high

sampling rates and digital filtering, and delivery of data according

to the INTERMAGNET 1 Hz standard. We believe that these challenges can

best be handled in a community effort, and present the current state

of an open-source datalogger software. We run this software on a

Raspberry Pi platform, but it can be easily adapted to any other

POSIX-compatible platform. In our setup, the system is attached to a

modern and reliable power supply that can be remotely controlled and

monitored. As a whole, we believe that this system is a good basis to

address current challenges regarding geomagnetic observatory data

acquisition, and we encourage international participation in the

further development, improvement, and usage.

