19th IAGA Workshop


The workshop will take place at the Tihany Geophysical Observatory (DIM sessions and Summer School) and at EPSS (conference part) in Sopron.



Tihany is located on a peninsula in the lake Balaton. The Tihany Geophysical Observatory (THY) was opened in 1954.


Once in Tihany, you can find the observatory entrance is at 46.90.7 N, 17.8888 E (see the red circle in the map) This is at a 20 min walk from Viktoria Inn (Summer School location) and 3 min from Hotel Adler (both accommodations are circled in green in the map below). Viktoria Inn and Hotel Adler will also be meeting points where we arrange transfers from to the observatory. (Other meeting poins may be arranged).

walking path (1.6 km, 25 min) from Viktoria Inn (location of the Summer School) to the observatory (location of the DIM sessions)


Tihany: observatory area and access (blue: walking path from Viktoria Inn)

Tihany: observatory area and access at a closer look. Following the red arrows you arrive at the observatory gate. (blue: walking path from Hotel Adler)



Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (EPSS)
(Földfizikai és Űrtudományi Kutatóintézet)
Address: 9400 Sopron, Csatkai E. u. 6-8.
web: www.epss.hu

EPSS and the train station in Sopron (https://utcakereso.hu/)

EPSS main building (Sopron, Csatkay E. u. 6-8). You can enter through this gate.