Arrival by car:

The meeting hotels are near Markt Piesting (directions: here). The observatory is not accessible directly as it can only be reached on a private dirt road. The observatory is near Muggendorf.

Arrival by train:

The nearest train station is Wöllersdorf/Piesting. There are regular connections to Wiener Neustadt and Vienna. A bus will take you from the train station to the meeting hotel Schloss Hernstein at 19:30 (June 24).

Arrival by plane:

The nearest and most convenient airport is Vienna International Airport (VIE). From this airport a shuttle bus will be provided taking you to the meeting hotels. The bus will leave at 19:00 (June 24) at the airport. Please inform us if you want to use this possibility.

Summer School:

Direction and schedule for arrival to the summer school is similar as above. Bus shuttle will leave from the airport at 19:00 (June 21) and at 19:30 (June 21) at the train station in Piesting. Please inform us if you want to use the shuttle service.

General information

Visitors from outside the European Union (EU) should check whether or not an Austrian visa is required. In most cases, a valid passport is sufficient. Visitors from central and eastern Europe should check whether special health insurance is required to receive a visa. All insurance and visa costs must be covered by the participant.

Schengen area

Austria is a member of the Schengen Agreement. The Schengen visa represents the collective of European countries that have mutually decided to eliminate passport and immigration controls at their joint borders. Participants from outside these countries and the European Union (EU) but with a valid visa for one of the Schengen countries may move freely into and within any other Schengen country.