Space weather at the Conrad Observatory

Rachel Bailey, Roman Leonhardt

Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Hohe Warte 38, Vienna


Since 2015, there has been work done at the Conrad Observatory on the monitoring of space weather and the consequences thereof in Austria in the form of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in the Austrian power grid. A method to automatically detect incoming geomagnetic storms from coronal mass ejections in satellite data was developed and tested on storms during the solar maximum of 2012-2014. Following this, a model to determine the size of GICs in the Austrian power grid as a result of geomagnetic variations during storms was developed and tested with different earth conductivity models. The results of the model were compared to measurements of GICs conducted in the power grid for model validation and optimisation. Lastly, a preliminary method to predict GICs directly from solar wind data using a neural network was developed and is currently in a test phase.

