Live image of the sun
This page gives a live overview about the current geomagnetic activity. The upper left picture shows the evolution of the local Austrian K index determined at the Conrad Observatory for the last three days. The lower left picture shows the current global Kp index provided by the GFZ Potsdam. A live image of the sun from the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite is part of this window.
The three-hour Kp index was developed by Julius Bartels in 1949 and is calculated from the standardized K indices from 13 geomagnetic observatories. Kp describes the geomagnetic activity. Kp values greater than 5 indicate a geomagnetic storm.
The geomagnetic DST (Disturbance Storm Time) Index is a measure of the strength and intensity of geomagnetic storms on Earth. The DST Index measures the degree of deviation of the geomagnetic field from its normal state, with negative values indicating a magnetic disturbance. We display the absolute value of the index. The DST Index has been provided by the World Data Center Kyoto since 1957.