A coil system with 3 meter high coils is located at the Conrad Observatory and used for calibration of highly sensitive magnetic field measuring devices, which will later carry out important analyzes in space. Magnetometers for the JUICE mission of ESA were tested in this coil system, which was set up jointly by the ÖAW and GeoSphere. JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) is the first mission of the European Space Agency ESA to the outer solar system. In particular, the three largest moons of Jupiter are examined: Callisto, Europa and Ganymede.

The paleomagnetic laboratory is located at the Conrad Observatory at the Trafelberg in Lower Austria. The scientific equipment comprises basic field equipment (e.g. orientation equipment), and archeo- and paleomagnetic measurement systems. Our research is focused on samples that have acquired a TRM for reconstructing variations of the ancient geomagnetic field on different timescales from historical fluctuations up to polarity reversals. Therefore, measurements of paleo- and archeo-directions and intensities are routinely conducted. Further efforts comprise the modelling of the geomagnetic field evolution providing secular variations curves, which are used for archeomagnetic dating. Due to its remote location (~1.5 hours from Vienna by car), the observatory offers all facilities necessary for longer stays including a kitchen, a bathroom and bedrooms.