Roman Leonhardt

- Position:
- Head
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Since the beginning of 2010, Roman Leonhardt has headed the Conrad Observatory of the Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology (GeoSphere Austria). Roman Leonhardt is a geophysicist with a broad scientific background, specializing in geo- and paleomagnetism, materials studies, space weather effects, and general observatory issues. From 2007 to 2009 he headed the petrophysical laboratory at the University of Leoben. After completing his doctoral thesis in 2001 at the LMU Munich, Roman Leonhardt worked between 2001 and 2006 as a post-doc at the LMU Munich, in particular on the investigation and reconstruction of geomagnetic field reversals. Based on this scientific focus, the habilitation took place in 2009.
Roman Leonhardt is a member of the board of the Austrian Geophysical Society (AGS), CO-Chair of the International Association of
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Division V - Geomagnetic Observatories, Surveys and Analyses, and member of the Operations Committee of INTERMAGNET.Education
2009: Habilitation, Faculty of Geosciences, LMU München
2001: Dr. rer. nat., Faculty of Geosciences, LMU München
1998: Diploma in Geophysics, LMU MünchenScience
Geomagnetic field variations on all time scales
Rock and Paleomagnetism
Geomagnetic modelling
Space weather and space weather consequences
Earth Observation and Observation SystemsLinks
roman.leonhardt (at)