Binational cooperation project for the development of regional magnetic models and charts in Mexico and Costa Rica
Hits: 959
Tri-Mag Tester
Hits: 1020
The non-magnetic theodolites Zeiss THEO 010 and THEO 020
Hits: 2180
Remote Differential Magnetometer System in Support of Space Weather Impact Modelling
Hits: 939
MARTAS – Real time data acquisition and data transfer
Hits: 1442
Low noise, high stability orthogonal fluxgate sensor for variometers
Hits: 978
Flight Model of the Coupled Dark State Magnetometer for the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite
Hits: 1260
First results of the GyroDIF at Livingston Island Geomagnetic Observatory, Antarctica
Hits: 1010
First experiences of 3D-printing in geophysical instrumentation at Sodankylä Space Campus
Hits: 958
Engineering a one-second variometer for seismomagnetic identification
Hits: 949